Creating A Multiplayer Poker Game For HTML5 Using Phaser, Part 4

Hey guys,

It’s been a minute since I’ve posted an update on the multiplayer poker game I’m working on, but it’s still on. While client work has kept me preoccupied for the most part, a lot of progress – and learning has been underway! 😎

Yeah, it’s been quiet around here… a little too quiet…

Ahem, without further ado, have a look at this video, which shows the WIP running in two different browser windows.

An interesting situation happened in this video. OF COURSE, the game would present it while I’m recording, haha! πŸ˜…

First off, there were four Straights. But that’s not even the most interesting part.

When more than one player wins, they all split the pot. Here, the pot was split four ways. It just happens to result in a fraction – each player winning (30 / 4 = 7.5) – which shouldn’t happen, because the lowest denominator I’m designing for is 1 chip – not partial chip. So I’ll need to correct that…


Hmm… well, I could leave it, but that might give the impressions that you can do something with a partial chip value – which you can’t. Or, I could distribute the chips like this:

  • (2) players win 8
  • (2) players win 7

I might want to look this one up to see how real poker games handle this situation!

What are your thoughts on how this should be handled?

Primary Tools Used For The Project

The front end is powered by Phaser 3, the layouts and assets management by Phaser Editor 2D v3, and the back by Socket.IO v4.

Other technologies the project uses are:

The current state of the game’s progress

The poker rules logic is mostly done, so I’ve been spending a lot of time on the back-end logic.

In between rounds, you’ll be able to:

  • Join a game if you were watching as a spectator (if there are any open slots – max players is six).
  • Watch a game if you were playing (there is no limit to the number of spectators, but there is currently nothing that shows how many people are watching. I might make an πŸ‘ icon with a number next to it, and stick it in a corner or something.
  • Leave the game room and return to the lobby.

What I’m currently working on is handling those untimely situations of a player leaving a game mid-game, either because their connection died, or they closed their browser tab.

Leaving a game mid-game messes up the state, because the server and all the players need to be updated on who just left, so I’ll need to improvise here.

My original strategy was to treat it as the player folding, then when the round ends, automatically remove said player from the game. But this caused a problem, because if a player’s connection is lost, their socket is also gone. So, I decided to abruptly remove them from the game, forfeiting their hand.

Leaving mid-game also causes problems if it also happens to be the turn of the player who left. The decision here was to simply move to the next player’s turn.

Every game needs to have a dealer (D), a small blinds (SB), a big blinds (BB), and a host.

Note: The host is not part of poker – that’s a design for this particular game. By default, the host is the person who originally create the game room. The host is also responsible for starting each game when all the players are ready. The host is indicated by the ⭐ icon. When playing offline (yes, there is a single-player mode as well), there is no host.

So, if the D, SB, or BB leaves, then the next person (to their left) automatically assumes that role. It’s also perfectly normal for one player to have more than one role.

There’s also a lobby where players will go once they’ve connected to the server. Here you’ll be able to chat with other players, host your own game, or join an exiting game. Both hosting and joining are demonstrated in the video.

You can learn more about the project here:

Finally, if you’d like to get in when the first playable beta is ready before the game is released, sign up on my mailing lest here. You’ll also receive updates on other projects as I work on them.

The form you have selected does not exist.

I can’t wait to have this one finished. Definitely a challenge worth completing!

And I don’t care what anyone says. Coding a multi-player game is a LOT harder than it’s single-player counterpart. 🀨

– C. out.

Creating A Multiplayer Poker Game For HTML5 Using Phaser, Part 3

Continuing the series of building a multiplayer poker game, some progress has been made on the game. Development is coming along great using Phaser Editor v3!

A Bit More Technical Setup

I’m using several technologies, as mentioned in the first article of this series, and as I’m moving forward, I’m continuing to make adjustments to my development environment.

Since the game will perform as both a single-player and multiplayer game, I’m working on the single-player aspect first.

The game will be split into two primary projects: one for the client-side, and the other for the server-side.

Both will use common logic for running the game, and to avoid having to duplicate code across both projects. I made a secondary project, which is acts as a “common” repo for sharing code that will be used by both projects.

Since the common folder is outside of the client project root folder, I made come adjustments to VSCode to allow it to “see” this external folder and add it to the workspace.

The common folder is in the same folder as the client project (and server project). In order for Webpack to add the common files and folders to the build process, I made some adjustments to the webpack.config.js file. The alias inside of the resolve also makes the import statements look cleaner in VSCode.

module: {
  rules: [
      include: [
        path.resolve(__dirname, '../common/src'),
resolve: {
  alias: {
    common: path.resolve(__dirname, '../common/'),

Learning Poker

I’m learning the rules of poker as I build this game, and the journey has been quite interesting. πŸ™‚

The order in which the players take their turns was fairly straightforward. Play starts with player left of the dealer, small blind (SB). The player left of the SB is the big blind (BB). Play goes clockwise around the poker table.

The object of poker is to win all the money in the pot. You do this by having the best poker hand at the end of the game. Your hand must be built from any combination of two cards that you’ll eventually be dealt (the “hole” cards), plus the five community cards that will eventually be dealt. As players make their turns, they can place bets by adding money to the pot. The player who wins the game (by having the best poker hand) at the end of the game wins all the money in the pot.

The game is split up into rounds and each round doesn’t end until every player has contributed an equal amount of money to the pot.

Note: I’ll be using 1/2 no-limit (NL) rules.

To start the game off, the SB posts a forced bet bet of 1bb, and the BB posts another forced bet of 2bb, twice the SB’s.

After both blinds make their bets, each player is dealt two face-down cards. (You can see your own cards, of course πŸ˜‰)

Image taken from Batman The Animated Series, Episode: “Almost Got ‘Im”.

When it’s the next player’s turn, if they wish to stay in the game, they must “call” by matching the BB’s bet of 2bb.

When play returns the the SB, they need only post 1bb, since they posted the initial 1bb star started the game. After this, all players still in the game (who haven’t quit, or folded) have posted an equal amount of 2bb.

After all players have placed equal bets the betting round comes to a close, and the first three of five community cards, the flop, are dealt, face-up in the center of the table.

The round begins again with the player nearest the left of the dealer. This would be the SB if They haven’t folded. Each players has the following moves:

  • Check: Pass to the next player without making a bet.
  • Bet: Increase the current bet by posting additional money into the pot. If a player does this, all other players must either match this bet, fold, or re-raise. More on re-raise later.
  • Fold: Forfeit their place in the current game. Their hand is surrendered face-down. Note that they can return to play the next game.
  • Call: If a previous raise has been made, the player can call by matching the previous bet.
  • All-In: If a player does not have enough money to match the current bet, and they wish to stay in the game, they must go “all in”, betting all their remaining chips. Note that if the player does not win this game, they will lose all their money and be out of the game!

Once the flop round is complete, the fourth community card is dealt, called the turn. Betting begins again with the player left of the dealer. And the round ends once all players have posted equal amounts to the pot.

Note: It is possible to no players to make any bets during a betting round by simple calling each time. But that would make for a slow and boring game, IMO. Maybe that’s the rookie talkin’, haha! πŸ˜†

Once the turn round is complete, the fifth and final community card is dealt, called the river.

(Image owned by Activision.)

Couldn’t resist.

Ahem! Anyway, betting begins again with the player left of the dealer. And the round ends once all players have posted equal amounts to the pot.

After this round ends, the showdown begins!

During the showdown, all players still in the game reveal their hands, and the player with the best hand wins the pot. If you’re curious, you can learn more about the poker hands here.


Back to the concept of re-raising. This is when a player raises the bet, then another player raises again after them. Depending on the type of poker being played, the rules for determining the minimum (and maximum) amounts you can raise will vary. Since I’m coding a game using the rules by No-Limit, the maximum you can bet is all your available chips. However, the minimum you can bet can be a little trick to figure out, because it’s simply not just “double what the big blinds bet”.

I’m still working on this part, but I think I’ve got it (if not close πŸ˜…). Of course, if you’re an expert on calculating the minimum amount for re-raising in No-Limit 1/2 poker, please comment and correct any of my assertions. That would be greatly appreciated. πŸ‘πŸΎ

When re-raising against previous raise, the minimum amount must be at least the amount raised by the previous player. Take this example below.

Pot size is 6bb.
Player 1 bets 4bb.
Player 2 raises to 10bb.
What would be the minimum raise for Player 3?

First, let’s have a look at the wording used. Player 2 raised to 10bb. However, Player 2 actually increased the bet amount by 10 – 4 = 6bb. So, the minimum Player 3 will need to raise by is 6bb.

This would be a total raise size of:
10 (previous player’s total raise to) + 6 (minimum raise by) = 16bb.

Back To The Game Dev

As I close this article, here’s a screen shot of the current progress. I’m currently working on the raise (and re-raise!) implementation, as well as a few other functions, such as folding and going all-out.

After that, I’ll move on to the showdown functions and determine the winner among the various conditions.

That’s all for now. I’ll continue to keep you updated as I make progress.

Finally, you can sign up using the form below to receive updates to playable builds (or at least interactable builds) as I make noteworthy progress.

Talk to you later,

– C. out.

Creating A Multiplayer Poker Game For HTML5 Using Phaser, Part 2

Continuing the series of building a multiplayer poker game, I’ve decided to make a big turn in how the game will be built.

I’ve decided to give Arian’s latest version, Phaser Editor v3, a try.

Why? All my previous projects were deep in v1 or v2. However, I haven’t gotten very far into this Poker project, so it was easy to switch it from v2 to v3 sooner rather than later. Plus, after comparing its functionality with that of previous versions, it made sense to at least give it a try. And so far, it’s working out well!

Now, the biggest attraction, at least for me, was the fact that prefabs were back, which we haven’t seen since v1. Using factories in v2, while they took a bit of work to get them the way that I wanted, allowed me to learn a lot about how custom factories work in Phaser.

At the time of this article, v3 doesn’t yet supply an animations editor, or texture atlas editor. But that’s ok!

For animations, you can use a tool called Animator. You can learn more about animations in v3 here. I haven’t needed to use animations for my Poker game (at least not so far), so I can’t vouch for this tool. However, it is an option.

For texture atlases, you can use Texture Packer, which I’ve enjoyed using quite a bit over the years. To learn more about atlas editor usage in v3, as well as other options, check here.

Since this version now works in your browser (which also significantly reduces its download size), you start it up using your command prompt. So I made a simple batch file which starts the editor with the -desktop option since I work with a local server. My projects workspace is also in a location different than the default workspace, so I use the -ws option. For a full list of options, see this page.

As I’m learning the rules for Poker, the interactive tutorial on this page has been very helpful. Also, playing this game has also been useful. (No, I haven’t been screwing around, getting sucked into playing! Nope. Not me.)

I got a good chuckle from this scene from The Avengers.

That’s all for now. I’ll continue to keep you updated as I make progress.

Finally, sign up using the form below to receive updates to playable builds (or at least interactable builds) as I make noteworthy progress.

Talk to you later,

– C. out.

Creating A Multiplayer Poker Game For HTML5 Using Phaser, Part 1

Getting started with building a multiplayer Poker game, I’m first setting up the development environment.

After setting up webpack, ESLint, Babel, and Typescript (getting them to all work together and the way I want was a challenge), I’ve started on building a the game’s main display using Phaser Editor.

Building The Game Layout

I decided to go with allowing up to six players, and the layout will look like this:

Just a very simple layout here. Nothing fancy. #ImNotAGameDesigner

Phaser Editor supports Typescript, which is awesome. However, the code the Phaser Editor compiler generates doesn’t make ESLint happy.

As you can see here, we have some lines of code that ESLint is nit-picking us about:

There are sections in the code where you can put whatever you want, and it won’t be overwritten by the Phaser Editor compiler. In this case, I’d surround the generated code to temporarily disable ESLint.
/* eslint-disable */
/* eslint-enable */

NOTE: Since you cannot directly control the generated code, disabling ESLint is fine in these situations.

Since I’m using modules, at the bottom of Scene files generated by Phaser Editor, you can export the Scene class, by doing so at the bottom of the file. Code placed here will not be affected by Phaser Editor (the editor will mark the file with comments, telling you where you can write your own code). At the bottom, you can write something like this:


// You can write more code here
export default [NameOfYourSceneClass];
Setting Up A Factory For The Card Images

Still building the layout, I want the card images to be set up as their own factory in Phaser. When I recently converted the Flash game Blasteroids to HTML5, I used JavaScript. However, for this project, I’m using TypeScript and the code is being linted by ESLint.

First let’s create a class that will display the card image. I won’t go into full details for this class, but the setup could look like this:

export default class CardImage extends Phaser.GameObjects.Image {
  constructor(scene: Phaser.Scene, x: number, y: number, texture: string,
    frame?: string | number) {
    super(scene, x, y, texture, frame);

NOTE: You can then create properties to store the suit and value of the card, as well as whether or not the card is face up or face down. Note that if you change the face up/down property, you’d need to update the card’s image as well.

Next, let’s create a factory file. The name of my factory would be cardImage, and the looks something like this:

import CardImage from './CardImage';

  function foo(this: Phaser.GameObjects.GameObjectFactory,
    x: number, y: number, texture: string, frame?: string | integer): CardImage {
    const scene = this.scene;

    const sprite = new CardImage(scene, x, y, texture, frame);

    // scene.sys.updateList.add(sprite);

    return sprite;

NOTE: The CardImage class extends Phaser.GameObjects.Image. If your class extends Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite, you’d also need to uncomment line 11 as well.

When setting card images in the scene to use cardImage as the factory, then saving the scene file, and viewing the source code, you’ll see there are some issues:

NOTE: I’ve spent a day or so trying to figure out how to resolve this issue. The scene class was originally a TypeScript, and I was originally using the TypeScript version of scenes in Phaser Editor. Unfortunately, I’ve had trouble getting namespaces and modules to work together. My research eventually led me to trying Declaration Merging, and looking at declaration files (.d.ts). And while setting up factories with TypeScript came closest (actually, this resource did work) to helping me solve my issue, I was still unable to resolve error ts(2339) by VS Code in the above image.

Long story short: I’m using JavaScript for scenes that use factories to avoid these issues.

After changing Phaser Editor to use JavaScript instead of TypeScript for this scene, VS Code no longer reports issues, and the code still compiles and runs with no issues! 😎

Now, I can continue to build the game’s main display, and code the functionality for dealing and flipping cards, presenting chips, and building the buttons, call, check, etc. There are still the game logic for the rules of Poker itself, as well as the multiplayer aspect of the game, which will be the game’s main draw (and an excellent experience for me in developing a turn-based, real-time multiplayer game).

That’s it for now!

If you’d like to get on my e-mail list and receive updates are the progress continues, sign up using the form below.

Talk to you later,

– C. out.

Starting On Multiplayer Poker Game For HTML5 Using Phaser

What’s up, guys. 🀜🏾

Now that the Flash game Blasteroids has been converted to HTML5, the next game I’m working on is a multiplayer Poker game.

Now, this won’t be a conversion, but a game originally built using Phaser 3, JavaScript, and Phaser Editor.

Building this game will be a bit of a challenge for me for these two reasons:

One, this will be my first attempt at developing a complete multiplayer, turn-based game.

An MP game is much more challenging to build than a single-player one, believe you-me. I once tried making a real-time MP in the past using PlayerIO, but… let’s just say that didn’t pan out so well.

And two, I’m learning a bit about the JavaScript ecosystem. I took previous course on Zenva called MMORPG Academy. The course showed you how to make a simple multiplayer MMO game using Phaser, Express and SocketIO. It also introduced me to the following tools, which I will also be using for this game.

Technology Used


Node.js is a server-side platform built on Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript Engine. It can be used for developing server-side and networking applications. I’ll use it as part of the back-end for this game.


npm is a very large software repository. It’s a package manager for JavaScript, and you can use it to download and install many third-party packages into your projects. It comes with Node.js, and it can be used to install most of the tools listed below.


This is a web framework that allows your web application to handle requests that are sent to a specific URL. Both Node.js and Express will be used together to create the web server.


This is what will allow communication between the the player client app and the server web app.


Among many other things, webpack can bundle all your modular JavaScript code and packages together into a single file that can be understood by your web browser.


It’s much more convenient to write JS code in the latest/modern version. However, older versions of web browsers can’t understand these versions. This is where Babel comes in. It can transpile your modern code to earlier versions that can be understood those older browsers, increasing the available of your web apps to more people.


This tool examines your code for syntactical errors, or other issues where the code may not adhere to a certain standard or set of styling rules. Essentially, “linting”, helps you write cleaner code.

Some other tools not discussed in the Zenva course that I will be using in Poker are:


I much prefer Typescript over JavaScript. Typescript allows you extra features, and for me, that means static typing and support for interfaces. Of course, I’m sure I’ll learn more as I dive deeper into Typescript.

Note: My plan is to write the code using TypeScript (which both Phaser and Phaser Editor also support), use Babel (with Typescript support) to transpile the code, and bundle it all together in a single JavaScript file using webpack. This is for the client-side portion of the game. The back-end server-side code will not be run in a web-browser, so it will not use this process.

Poker Game Multiplayer Development Plan

First thing’s first: the game’s design, and layout will need to be created. While I’m not a game designer (my service currently only includes programming), this version of Texas Holdem Poker I’ll be making will have a relatively simple enough mechanic. Nothing fancy here. And the game is mainly to add to my portfolio.

I’ll need to find some assets (graphics and sounds). I’ll use the same assets I used from my Thunderjack! game.

Because this is a multi-player game using a client-server model, where the server has the authority and maintains the game’s state.

The client apps (what the players will use) act as visual agents, showing the state of the game server. They also accept input (keyboard, mouse, touch, etc.) from each player, send them to the server, then the server with validate that input. The validation is to make sure the state stays clean, and to prevent cheating.

Because this will be a turn-based game and not a real-time game, it doesn’t need to rely heavily on advanced concepts like client-side prediction or entity interpolation and prediction.

Next, there are the rules of Poker. Because the server maintains the stage, all the game logic will be written on the server. And of course, I’ll need to get the rules down as well. πŸ™ƒ

And finally, I want the game to be able to use bots that can fill in if no other real players are available. So building an AI will be a challenge all its own, though I’m sure I can research this for help.

Where and How will I Host the Game Server?

The final component to this game is determining where and how I’ll host the game server, so you can play this game online with other real people. The client-side app will be hosted here on my site here, but it’s the game server that needs to be hosted elsewhere.

The multi-player game that the Zenva course helps you to create uses Heroku to host the game project, so I’ll use that again. The course covers just enough for you to set up a simple game, as any more, I believe, would go beyond the scope of the project, but there’s enough there to get started.

As I work on the game, I’ll post noteworthy updates in future articles. And you can play the work-in-progress versions of the game as I make playable updates, before the game is released to the public!

Sign up using this form to get on my mailing list:

Whew! That’s it for now, and this will be quite a challenge. I’m sure this will take me a while to complete. And I hope you stick with me on this journey! I got this! πŸ’ͺ🏾

– C. out.

What’s Next

Hey guys,

It’s been pretty quiet lately here on GameplayCoder, but I’ve also been busy behind the scenes learning new skills for more games to add to my portfolio.

Poker Game

Having finished up the card-matching and hand-comparing techniques for poker, the next project will involve coding an actual poker (Texas Hold’em) game.

As for implementing the rules for poker itself, I found a useful article on 888poker that goes over basics, terminology, and flow of the game. There is also this game available from 24/7 Free Poker, which I’ve been playing to help further understand the game/

But I want it to be a multiplayer game (as well as single-player vs AI), and it’s the multiplayer functionality that will prove most challenging.

So, I’ve been taking a course over on Zenva called MMORPG Academy, which teaches you how to build a multiplayer game using various technologies, and middlewares, including but not limited to:

The only tool in this list I did not use was Docker, because it requires virtualization to run, and if your operating system is Windows 10 Home, you’re pretty much outta luck. Of all the suggestions I’ve tried around the net, none of them worked, and I wasn’t about to upgrade to Pro just for Docker. Besides, you don’t really need it to complete this course anyway.

Everything except Phaser and JavaScript on that list was completely new to me. πŸ™ƒ So, I’m taking in a lot of new material in this course. But as Tony Stark himself said,

Flash To HTML5 Game Conversion

According to my data, an article I wrote, Converting a Flash Game To HTML5, by far, has received the most views.

After looking at these numbers, I’m like:

So I will be revisiting this topic by converting another Flash game I coded for a previous client, called Blasteroids. This is a remake of Atari’s Asteroids.

If you’d like to play the Flash game I coded, you can play it on my old portfolio site here. Otherwise, if you can’t (or won’t) be bothered with Flash, you can watch this video of my gameplay – and epic fails. πŸ˜…

Thanks for being a reader of this blog, and stay tuned. There’s more to come!

– C. out.