Added Brickout Game To GitHub

Hey guys,

The source code for one of the earlier games I created, Brickout, is now available on GitHub here. If you’re interested in looking at games under the hood, have a look!

Screenshot of Brickout.

This game is the first completed game using HTML5 + Phaser. To build the level, I used Tiled. I found level graphics on OpenGameArt from Matriax.

The bomb explosion animation was also on OpenGameArt, by Jetrel.

Meanwhile, I’m working on some new 2D games, made in either Phaser or Unity, so there’s more to come!

Like this:

The image above is a screenshot for a Unity game I’m currently working on. This is from the course on Udemy: Complete C# Unity Developer 2D: Learn to Code Making Games.

It’s the last project in the course (I’m almost done! YEAH! 💪🏿) , and it’s a tile-based, 2D, side-scrolling platformer, one of my favorite game genres, and I can’t wait to use all the skills I’ve learned in this course (and outside of it), to really go beyond the course material, and finish it! Though it’s gonna take me a while (AS IT SHOULD), because I have a lot planned for this game.

If I may digress for a moment: Speaking of finishing things, if you’re like me, and you find it challenging to sometimes finish your side projects, watch the following video.

John Sonmez talks about how to become a finisher and finish shit.

It’s from John Sonmez, founder of Bulldog Mindset, a company that helps people, particularly software developers, become better, stronger versions of themselves and get more out of life by improving their soft skills, mindset, philosophy, wealth, investing, and relationships. He also wrote a book called Soft Skills. It’s a great read; I invite you to give this book a read.

I’m also working on a simple RPG that will use an Active Time Battle System. I’ve always been a fan of battle systems in RPGs. I’m way more interesting the the working of battle systems than I am in the story lines. ⚔

Ever since I was introduced to the ATBS in Final Fantasy IV (and it was elaborated on in Final Fantasy VI), I’ve always been fascinated by it.

There is so much involved in this type of game, such as inventory, moving around in maps, stats, and the various intricacies involved in building a battle system.

This is a very exciting project, as I’ve never worked on an RPG before. Neither as side project (until now), or a client project – though I’d LOVE to work on a client’s RPG!

By the way, if you’re looking for a coder to help you build a 2D tile-based, single-player RPG, get in touch with me through this contact form, or e-mail me directly at 😉

That’s it for now, guys. Take care,

– C. out.

P.S.: And should I survive all that, let’s not forget about card games, which I’m still considering specializing in. I want to make a battle card system (think collectible card game), that has mechanics similar to Yu-Gi-Oh!. It’s really the automation of the mechanics of this game that fascinate me. This will likely be THE most difficult game I’ve ever worked on, but I’m looking forward to the challenge.

[Gameplay] – Block Breaker

Play Block Breaker here!

Hey there,

I’m currently in a Unity course over on Udemy called Complete C# Unity Developer 2D – Learn to Code Making Games. It’s a great course on 2D game development in Unity created by Ben Tristem and Rick Davidson.

Block Breaker is one of the games you build in this course. One challenge in the course was to do what they call “extreme tuning”, meaning tinker with the project and explore around what you’ve been learning.

However, I decided to go rogue with this concept, and produced the following version of Block Breaker, with lots of changes audible, visual, and of course, gameplay changes (see what I did there?) (:

Amazing Design Document on Breakout


After completing the Android Course and earning a Nanodegree, I resumed a course that I had started earlier. Actually, since I haven’t made any progress on the course in a long time, and much of its material was revamped, I decided to start the course over.

I’m talking about the Complete C# Unity Developer 2D – Learn to Code Making Games course, by Ben Tristem and Rick Davidson.

This is an amazing course that teaches you how to build several genres of games using Unity (version 2018 as of this writing).

One of the projects in the course is a Breakout type game (* gasp! *), and there is a reference to a design document about the Breakout genre on Gamasutra.

This. Document. Is. Fuckin’ Incredible! It contains tons of juicy pieces of information from level design and power-ups, to visuals, and even some history.

The power-up items intrigued me most. The items I added are either ones that I’ve seen somewhere else, or they were a coincidence (the bombs was a big one).

No update on Brickout this week. Still, this design doc definitely has some good inspiration for anyone wanting to make their own Breakout game engine – or if you’re lookin’ to hire someone to help you build your own – hint hint 😉

~ C. out.